2013년 12월 4일 수요일

About 'politics international relations'|New trial: Routledge Reference Resources: Politics and International Relations

About 'politics international relations'|New trial: Routledge Reference Resources: Politics and International Relations

As               national               election               season               nears               in               India,               two               major               parties,               the               center-left               National               Congress               Party               and               the               center-right               Bharatiya               Janata               Party,               as               well               as               a               host               of               lesser               parties,               including               the               Communist               Party               and               organizations               representing               regional               or               niche               interests,               prepare               their               slates               of               candidates               for               Parliament.

The               late               April               to               mid-May               polling               season               will               bring               out               hundreds               of               millions               of               voters               to               balloting               sites               across               this               populous               South               Asian               democracy.

Another               coalition               government,               similar               to               the               one               now               in               power               under               the               Congress-led               United               Progressive               Alliance,               is               the               widely               expected               outcome.

Since               neither               major               party               is               likely               to               gain               control               on               its               own,               alliance-building               among               the               smaller               parties,               some               with               dreams               of               running               the               country               without               either               Congress               or               BJP               taking               part               in               the               government,               is               serious               and               intense.

One               party               which               aims               to               play               a               power-broker               role               is               the               Bahujan               Samaj               Party,               leader               of               the               coalition               government               in               the               state               of               Uttar               Pradesh,               and               headed               by               popular               politician               Kumari               Mayawati,               a               former               school               teacher               and,               remarkably               enough               for               India,               a               member               of               the               untouchables               caste.

International               relations,               particularly               in               regard               to               Pakistan,               and               economic               issues,               including               deficit               spending               to               maintain               and               stimulate               growth,               are               among               the               top               considerations               any               new               government               will               have               to               deal               with               immediately               on               taking               office.

Additionally,               finalizing               an               agreement               on               a               civilian               nuclear               power               program               allowing               importation               of               enriched               uranium               for               reactors,               an               agreement               negotiated               with               the               United               States               under               the               recent               Bush               administration               as               well               as               with               the               responsible               international               agencies,               is               another               top               priority.

Doing               something               about               corruption               and               the               lack               of               transparency               in               business               practices               is               also               important,               as               the               recent               scandal               involving               Satyam               Computer               Services,               an               outsourcing               company               handling               backoffice               operations               for               many               international               concerns               including               prominent               Fortune               500               conglomerates,               has               underscored.

Since               retaining               international               respect               for               its               high-tech               information               services               industry               is               essential               to               India,               a               nation               enjoying               enviable               economic               growth               in               recent               years,               it               is               possible               that               this               particular               case               will               spur               needed               changes               in               accounting               practices               and               corporate               governance.
               The               terror               incident               which               claimed               more               than               150               lives               in               Mumbai               last               November               nearly               sparked               another               war               between               tempermental               neighbors               India               and               Pakistan.

Patient               investigation,               amid               international               calls               for               calm,               has               revealed               that               10               members               of               an               outlawed               organization               based               in               Pakistan               were               responsible               for               the               three-day               attack               targeting               tourist               locales.

The               organization,               Lashkar-i-Taiba,               is               dedicated               to               liberating               Kashmir               from               Indian               control.

The               Kashmir               issue               has               long               been               a               festering               one,               adversely               affecting               the               diplomatic               relations               of               the               two               nations.
               India's               relations               with               its               other               neighbors               often               focus               on               the               issues               of               water               rights               and               infrastructure               projects               for               the               region's               major               rivers.

Water               for               agriculture               use               as               well               as               for               electricity               generation               is               important               enough               nowadays               to               merit               top-level               inter-governmental               negotiations.

India               also               contributes               significant               international               aid               to               Afghanistan,               another               neighbor.

This               last               fact               is               important               to               the               United               States,               a               superpower               friendly               to               India               but               never               really               closely               allied               to               the               Subcontinent's               leading               democracy.

India               also               maintains               friendly               relations               with               its               former               colonial               ruler,               Great               Britain.
               "Beginning               the               long               goodbye:               Indian               politics",               The               Economist               
               Somini               Sengupta,               "A               Daughter               of               India's               Underclass               Rises               on               Votes               That               Cross               Caste               Lines",               New               York               Times               
               Robert               G.

Wirsing,               "Hydro-politics               in               South               Asia",               Asian               Affairs/Highbeam               Research               
               Heather               Timmons,               "Financial               Scandal               at               Outsourcing               Company               Rattles               a               Developing               Country",               New               York               Times               
               "Holbrooke               Meets               Indian               Officials",               Wall               Street               Journal/Associated               Press

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