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About 'in master degree'|Masters Degree In Theology Catholic

About 'in master degree'|Masters Degree In Theology Catholic

Many               teachers               from               all               fields               decide               to               earn               master's               degrees               within               the               field               of               education.

Some               choose               a               more               general               path,               but               many               find               that               specializing               their               field               of               study               makes               them               a               valuable               asset               to               current               and               future               employers,               opening               up               many               doors               with               their               subject               area.

For               English               majors               and               teachers,               getting               a               master's               degree               in               English               education               is               an               attractive               option               that               can               certify               one               to               teach,               increase               one's               salary,               allow               one               to               advance               to               department               chair,               or               from               secondary               school               teaching               to               the               college               and               university               level.

And               since               the               field               of               English               education               encompasses               highly               sought-after               skills               like               research,               writing,               and               analysis,               other               career               opportunities               are               available               to               those               with               a               master's               in               English               education               such               as               educating               other               teachers,               conducting               research               in               colleges               and               universities,               editing               and               consulting               for               publications               and               educational               organizations,               and               direct               curriculum               and               training               programs               within               the               education               field.

The               following               are               the               various               types               of               master's               degrees               in               English               education               that               are               available,               both               in               traditional               schools               and               online.

Research               the               various               characteristics               of               each               type               of               program               and               decide               which               one's               right               for               you.

in               English               Education               
               Getting               an               Master               of               Arts               in               English               education               is               for               those               who               already               hold               a               bachelor's               degree               in               English               education               and               are               certified               to               teach.

This               degree               will               instruct               those               students               in               advanced               competence               within               the               English               education               field.

This               degree               is               a               good               fit               for               English               teachers               who               wish               to               learn               more               about               the               field               of               English               and               of               teaching               English.

For               those               who               want               to               become               department               heads               or               teach               English               on               the               college               and               university               level,               an               M.A.

in               English               education               is               a               good               fit.

in               English               Education               
               Many               teachers               certified               in               secondary               English               education               (grades               7-12)               pursue               a               Master               of               Education               to               advance               their               training               and               earn               a               pay               raise.

Getting               an               M.


with               a               concentration               in               English               education               can               make               secondary               English               teachers               more               attractive               candidates               both               within               the               fields               of               English               education               and               education               in               general.

Teachers               with               this               degree               will               have               the               freedom               to               earn               more               money               and               get               advanced               positions               teaching               English,               as               well               as               move               around               within               the               broader               field               of               education.

This               is               an               attractive               option               for               English               teachers               who               enjoy               teaching               English               now,               but               think               they               may               want               a               larger               array               of               career               options               within               the               field               of               education               down               the               road.

Some               Master               of               Education               programs               will               also               include               getting               certified               in               teaching,               making               this               a               good               choice               for               those               who               have               a               bachelor's               degree               in               English               to               move               into               the               English               education               field.

in               English               Education               
               This               program               is               specifically               geared               towards               students               who               have               earned               a               bachelor's               in               English               or               related               field               heavy               in               English               credits               who               wish               to               earn               a               master's               degree               as               well               as               teacher               certification.

This               degree               is               designed               to               initially               certify               one               to               teach               secondary               English               (some               with               ESOL               endorsement               as               well)               while               working               towards               a               master's               degree               in               English               education.

The               Master               of               Arts               in               Teaching               degree               is               perfect               for               those               who               have               decided               to               go               into               teaching               after               already               graduating               with               a               non-teaching               English               degree               and               who               wish               to               immediately               pursue               advanced               education               training               to               gain               a               pay               raise               and               make               themselves               a               more               attractive               job               candidate.

or               M.Ed.

in               ESL               Education               
               ESL               stands               for               "English               as               a               Second               Language."               This               specialization               within               the               English               education               field               has               exploded               in               recent               years               as               immigration               has               made               it               more               in               demand.

Teachers               in               this               field               teach               English               to               both               K-12               students               and               adults,               helping               them               develop               a               working               vocabulary               to               read,               write,               and               communicate               fluently               in               English.

These               master's               in               ESL               programs               not               only               focus               on               how               to               teach               English               as               a               second               language,               but               also               on               how               to               take               cultural               differences               into               account               when               teaching               to               make               students               more               comfortable               and               able               to               learn.

Many               teachers               who               earn               this               specialized               master's               in               English               education               are               bilingual,               which               is               certainly               an               asset,               but               it               is               not               necessary               to               pursue               a               career               in               this               field.

This               degree               can               be               pursued               by               those               with               a               bachelor's               degree               in               English               education,               elementary               education,               and               English.
               NYU               Steinhardt               
               University               of               Southern               Florida

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in master degree
in master degree

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in master degree

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in master degree
in master degree

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in master degree
in master degree

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in master degree
in master degree

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