2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'with a masters degree'|Mayor Boss (Of Young Paperboyz) Graduates With A Masters Degree

About 'with a masters degree'|Mayor Boss (Of Young Paperboyz) Graduates With A Masters Degree

Making               the               decision               to               attend               college               for               4               to               8               years               after               high               school               is               not               an               easy               one.

Some               of               us               went               directly               to               college,               only               to               drop               out.

Some               college               "drop-outs"--me,               for               example,               got               a               taste               of               the               job               market               and               what               life               would               be               if               we               did               not               finish               our               educations.

So,               I               returned               to               school               to               obtain               the               Holy               Grail,               a               college               degree.

Earning               a               College               Degree               -               Choosing               a               College               Major
               Deciding               the               major               for               my               college               degree               was               stressful.

Would               I               have               to               do               just               that               one               job               for               50               years?

Initially,               I               took               general               educational               requirements               around               my               work               schedule.

I               hoped               I               would               run               in               to               a               subject               that               I               loved.

And               that               is               what               happened.
               After               taking               a               required               Introductory               Psychology               course,               I               was               hooked.

I               took               another,               then               a               sociology               course.

Both               subject               areas               appealed               to               me.

After               meeting               with               two               of               my               Millikin               University               professors,               I               chose               my               college               major--               psychology               and               sociology               as               a               double               major.

Once               I               formulated               my               goal,               no               course               I               took               was               too               difficult.

I               even               made               it               through               a               Romantic               Poetry               class               to               fulfill               an               elective               requirement               and               earn               my               college               degree.
               Setting               Even               Higher               College               Goals               -               Attending               Graduate               School
               During               my               last               2               years               of               undergraduate               school,               a               couple               of               my               Millikin               University               professors               suggested               I               consider               going               on               to               get               my               masters'               degree.

You               must               be               kidding,               I               thought               as               they               spoke.

In               addition               to               the               undergraduate               college               degree,               now               go               to               graduate               school?

As               they               explained,               I               realized               the               level               of               my               interest               in               the               coursework,               was               in               fact,               quite               high.

Would               I               need               to               attend               graduate               school?
               I               researched               possible               careers               for               a               4-year               college               degree               in               psychology/sociology.

After               some               work,               I               knew               the               career               I               wanted-performing               diagnosis               and               mental               health               therapy.

It               required               a               masters'               degree.

It               wouldn't               hurt               to               determine               which               universities               close               to               home               offered               masters'               psychology               programs.
               Graduate               School               Applications               -               College               Scholarships               for               Another               College               Degree
               Eventually,               I               submitted               applications               to               2               graduate               schools,               both               in               Clinical               Psychology.

Interestingly,               one               program               was               1               year               long;               the               other               was               2               years               long.

I               needed               a               full-ride               college               scholarship;               otherwise,               I               couldn't               afford               graduate               school.

Well,               if               I               got               in               to               the               one-year               program,               I               could               get               a               low-interest               state               college               loan               in               Illinois               and               earn               another               college               degree.
               The               letters               arrived-               I               was               accepted               to               both               graduate               schools.


But               wait               a               minute-I               did               not               receive               a               scholarship               for               the               one-year               program.

I               did               receive               a               clinical               assistantship               for               the               2-year               program               at               Illinois               State               University,               ISU.

I               would               be               a               Graduate               Assistant               to               designated               professors               each               semester.

Doing               so               would               cover               tuition               costs,               plus               I               would               earn               a               paycheck.

Although               I               had               hoped               for               the               one-year               program,               I               thought,               "Here               we               go--two               more               years               of               school               and               another               college               degree."
               While               attending               graduate               school               at               ISU,               I               chose               to               complete               3               internships.

I               wanted               to               work               with               all               types               of               clients               to               help               decide               what               type               of               career               I               wanted.

After               internships               in               the               college               counseling               center               with               college-age               clients,               the               laboratory               school               with               children/families,               and               an               inpatient               psychiatric               hospital               with               adult               patients,               I               accepted               a               Counselor               position               at               a               local               community               mental               health               center.
               After               the               College               Degrees--Bachelor               of               Arts               in               Psychology/Sociology               and               Master               of               Science               in               Clinical               Psychology
               I               began               working               full-time               at               the               community               mental               health               center               even               though               I               still               had               three               more               months               of               grad               school               to               write               my               thesis.

It               was               hectic,               but               I               persevered.

I               was               a               professional               counselor.

Two               years               after               receiving               my               bachelors'               degree               from               Millikin               University,               I               earned               a               Master               of               Science               college               degree               in               Clinical               Psychology               from               ISU.

I               was               glad               I               completed               the               two-year               program.

Firstly,               it               was               an               exception               program.

Secondly,               I               cannot               imagine               having               only               1               year               of               advanced               education               for               the               work               I               do.
               College               Degrees               and               the               LMHC,               Licensed               Mental               Health               Counselor               Designation
               My               college               degrees               are               definitely               worth               the               work.

I've               held               several               fascinating               positions               throughout               my               career.

Currently,               I               am               an               LMHC--Licensed               Mental               Health               Counselor               with               a               private               practice.

I               work               with               a               psychiatrist               and               two               nurse               practitioners.

Using               the               team               approach               to               provide               mental               health               treatment               is               the               most               effective,               in               my               opinion.

Meeting               with               clients               of               various               ages/walks               of               life               is               intriguing.

It's               well               worth               the               effort               I               put               in               to               complete               undergraduate               and               graduate               college               degrees.
               I               also               serve               as               an               Adjunct               Instructor/Professor               from               time               to               time.

I               could               not               do               so               without               a               masters'               degree.

Working               with               students               reminds               me               of               the               gravity               of               teaching-my               professors               provided               the               push               I               needed               to               earn               my               bachelors'               and               masters'               degrees.
               National               Science               Foundation               website

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with a masters degree
with a masters degree

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with a masters degree
with a masters degree

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with a masters degree
with a masters degree

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with a masters degree
with a masters degree

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with a masters degree
with a masters degree

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