2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'a ma degree'|MA Degree

About 'a ma degree'|MA Degree

Not               every               senior               in               high               school               is               ready               to               take               their               diploma               and               move               on               to               a               four               year               institution               of               higher               learning.

Some               students               are               still               maturing               both               intellectually               and               personally.

Some               students               have               graduated               from               high               school               without               sufficient               study               skills               to               take               on               a               four               year               school.

Some               students               even               have               gaps               in               their               basic               comprehension               and               usage               of               fundamentals               in               math,               reading,               social               studies               or               science.

Students               may               want               the               career               that               is               waiting               on               the               other               side               of               a               bachelor's               degree               but               for               a               variety               of               reasons               they               are               not               yet               ready               to               face               the               demands               of               a               four               year               college               or               university.

Fortunately               help               is               available               at               Dean               College               in               Franklin,               MA               The               History               and               Mission               of               Dean               College               .

When               the               curtain               came               down               on               the               Civil               War,               the               curtain               was               just               rising               in               Franklin,               MA               at               what               was               then               called               Dean               Academy.

More               than               140               years               ago,               the               small               village               of               Franklin               was               pleased               to               see               the               gates               of               a               Dean               open               for               the               first               time               almost               in               the               center               of               town.

The               administrators               at               Dean               made               it               clear               from               the               outset               that               the               goal               of               this               fledgling               academy               was               to               help               prepare               students               to               engage               in               the               pursuit               of               a               full               baccalaureate               degree.
               While               Dean               itself               did               not               have               the               staff               or               the               curriculum               to               offer               a               full               college               program               leading               to               a               baccalaureate               degree,               today's               bachelor's               degree,               it               did               have               the               design               and               the               desire               to               further               the               cause               of               education               by               ministering               to               the               needs               of               students               who               somehow               were               not               quite               ready               to               attend               one               of               the               few               available               full               scale               colleges.

Students               in               1865               were               often               torn               between               their               desire               to               complete               high               school               and               their               responsibilities               towards               keeping               their               families               solvent               and               fed.

As               a               result               many               students               had               pieces               out               of               their               high               school               preparation               that               were               clearly               missing.

They               could               not               be               accepted               at               a               four               year               institution               without               bringing               their               abilities               and               their               skills               up               to               par.
               The               role               of               Dean               Academy               was               to               help               bring               those               students               along,               to               prepare               them               for               the               academic               challenges               of               college               by               filling               in               the               gaps               in               learning               students               presented.

Today               the               leadership               at               Dean               College               sees               its               mission               as               not               dissimilar               from               its               original               concept               .

In               fact               the               leadership               at               Dean               has               said               to               its               students:               "               your               future               success               is               more               important               to               us               than               your               past               performance".

With               this               statement               Dean               College               makes               clear               to               would               be               students               that               at               Dean               you               start               to               prepare               with               a               clean               slate               and               will               receive               all               the               help               that               is               available.
               Dean               College               Today               .

Today               Dean               College               is               no               longer               called               an               Academy               .

It               offers               Associate               Degrees               for               two               year               programs               in               10               academic               majors.

It               also               offers               a               bachelors               degree               in               Dance               and               some               on               campus               bachelor               degree               options               in               conjunction               with               Suffolk               University               in               Boston.

On               its               100               acres               campus               Dean               offers               classes               to               some               1,000               students               most               of               whom               live               in               campus               housing.
               But               unlike               most               four               year               colleges               Dean               College               offers               students               the               ultimate               in               personalized               education.

Each               student               is               evaluated               to               determine               strengths               and               needs               and               programs               are               then               mapped               out               to               help               the               student               complete               those               courses               and               programs               that               will               enable               them               to               receive               an               Associate               Degree               and               if               desired,               prepare               to               transfer               to               a               four               year               college.
               Dean               College               provides               a               well               trained               and               sensitive               faculty,               student               advisers               and               education               specialists               who               work               together               to               help               students               to               overcome               deficiencies               and               gain               knowledge               and               confidence               in               their               areas               of               interest.

Dean               College               attempts               to               meet               and               work               with               students               where               they               are.

For               this               reason               at               Dean               College               you               can               find               an               Honors               Program,               Advising               Center               and               Disabilities               Support               Services.
               The               proof               of               the               value               of               a               Dean               College               education               is               in               the               results               that               it               shows               .

Students               who               graduate               form               Dean               College               are               accepted               for               transfer               to               four               year               institutions               at               a               unbelievable               rate               of               98%.
               A               Lot               Like               Any               Other               College               Dean               College               offers               students               an               opportunity               to               live               in               a               small               town               college               community,               Franklin,               Ma.

In               Franklin,               Dean               has               been               a               part               of               the               fabric               of               the               community               seemingly               forever.

College               students               are               welcomed               and               encouraged               to               participate               in               community               life.

Dean               offers               its               students               plenty               of               on               campus               opportunities               socialization               with               20               clubs,               11               intercollegiate               sports               and               lots               of               service               options               that               are               community               related.
               While               weekends               and               night               life               can               seem               a               little               slow               in               a               town               like               Franklin,               students               at               Dean               know               that               they               can               walk               a               few               blocks               to               the               local               train               station               and               in               a               half               hour               be               in               downtown               Boston               or               Providence               where               there               is               certain               to               be               something               exciting               to               do.
               More               than               many               small               colleges,               Dean               is               incredibly               diverse               for               its               size.

Dean               after               all               is               offering               something               that               many               students               are               looking               for               across               the               nation               and               around               the               world.

For               some               students               Dean               College               is               providing               a               second               chance               at               getting               in               to               a               four               year               college               and               moving               on               to               a               successful               career.

Because               of               its               success               rate               Dean               draws               students               from               23               states               and               20               foreign               countries.
               Not               everyone               is               ready               to               attend               college               just               because               they               have               a               college               diploma               or               have               reached               the               age               of               18.

For               some               readiness               requires               some               specialized               assistance               to               remove               barriers               of               scholastic               immaturity.

Dean               College               can               be               the               best               college               you               can               find               to               help               you               find               your               way               to               the               best               college               for               you               and               your               future.

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a ma degree

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a ma degree

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a ma degree

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a ma degree

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