2013년 12월 3일 화요일

About 'how much is masters degree'|...similar, except maybe the staircase in the second degree. How many Lodges actually have a mosaic...starry ceiling Many important symbols are not present in our Lodges, thus...

About 'how much is masters degree'|...similar, except maybe the staircase in the second degree. How many Lodges actually have a mosaic...starry ceiling Many important symbols are not present in our Lodges, thus...

I've               been               involved               in               the               chemistry               academic               world               for               twelve               years,               now,               and               it               never               ceases               to               amaze               me               that               people               "on               the               outside"               of               the               system               have               so               many               untrue               beliefs               about               what               the               experience               is               really               like.

So,               I               decided               to               lay               down               some               thoughts               on               the               matter,               in               hopes               of               convincing               others               to               consider               it               as               the               start               to               a               new               career               but               also               to               help               set               straight               some               very               common               misbeliefs.

First               of               all,               unless               it's               an               extremely               strange               situation,               most               people               are               in               chemistry               grad               school               to               obtain               a               Ph.D.

While               I've               seen               some               who               only               wanted               to               pursue               a               Masters               degree,               almost               without               exception               students               come               to               chemistry               grad               school               to               obtain               a               Ph.D.

in               the               subject.

A               Masters               degree               is               almost...well,               it's               almost               a               consolation               prize.

If               someone               ends               up               getting               a               Masters,               it's               almost               a               certainty               that               something               has               not               worked               out               correctly.

Maybe               they               got               burned               out,               and               decided               to               leave               after               just               3               years               (as               vs.

4.5               for               a               Ph.D.).

Maybe               the               student               had               to               move               away,               or               had               other               obligations,               and               so               quickly               changed               to               only               pursuing               a               Masters               so               that               they               could               graduate               as               quickly               as               possible.

I'm               not               disputing               the               value               of               a               Masters               degree               in               Chemistry,               but               it's               somewhat               uncommon               to               see.

The               difference               in               pay               between               a               Ph.D.

chemist               and               a               M.S.

in               Chemistry               is               pretty               substantial,               so               it's               worth               the               extra               year               and               a               half.
               Unlike               many               other               subjects,               chemistry               graduate               school               normally               only               has               defined               classroom               courses               for               the               first               year.

While               there               are               other               administrative               hurdles               to               pass               -               keeping               up               with               the               current               literature,               writing               grants,               being               successfully               published               in               scientific               journals               -               from               the               second               year               on               (for               Ph.D.s),               you're               in               the               lab,               doing               research.

And               here's               where               the               shock               comes               for               many               people.

They               join               a               lab               based               on               the               strength               of               the               professor               whose               research               group               it               is,               and               their               interest               in               that               groups               area               of               research.

However,               don't               think               for               a               minute               that               you're               going               to               be               working               side-by-side               with               that               professor               in               the               laboratory,               churning               out               amazing               science               and               being               trained               by               them.

That's               not               what               happens,               at               all,               and               I've               been               exposed               to               numerous               academic               programs.

it's               true               more               often               than               not,               that               the               world               class               professor               whose               group               you               joined?

They're               not               in               the               lab!

They're               administrators,               teachers,               mentors,               they               wear               suits               and               they're               not               going               to               dirty               themselves               in               a               laboratory.

It's               up               to               the               higher-ups               in               the               research               group               -               visiting               scholars,               elder               grad               students,               etc.,               to               train               you               and               to               provide               you               guidance.
               That               comes               as               a               shock               to               many               chemistry               grad               students.

You're               on               your               own,               quite               a               lot.

Time               management               becomes               a               serious               issue.

How               much               time               should               you               spend               on               your               lab               research               each               day               /               week?

It's               not               40               hours,               it's               more               like               60-70,               but               it               depends               a               great               deal               on               each               students               work               ethic               and               how               smartly               they               work...not               to               mention,               how               lucky               they               are.

it's               sad,               but               true               -               many               fantastic               breakthroughs               in               chemistry               have               been               nothing               more               than               sheer,               dumb,               luck.

When               Fate               *doesn't*               smile               on               you,               the               stress               can               make               people               crack.

I've               seen               that               happen               many               times.

The               major               problem               is               that               there               isn't               a               set               timetable               after               your               first               year               of               that               classwork.

You               have               a               set               amount               of               work               that               has               to               be               done               before               you               can               graduate               with               a               Ph.D.,               subject               to               the               opinion               and               approval               of               your               advisory               committee.

Three               to               four               years               (post               first               year),               depending               on               how               successful               you               are.

Many               students               take               this               to               mean               that               they               should               spend               all               of               their               time,               day               and               night,               in               the               lab.

This               can               have               positive               results,               but               as               many               of               you               know,               it               can               also               "burn               you               out"               pretty               fast.

The               separation               of               home               /               work               becomes               blurred.

Many               students               work               until               they're               tired               and               then               sleep               until               they're               not,               and               then               just               keep               that               up               until               they               make               enough               progress               to               be               considered               deserving               of               a               few               days               vacation.
               It's               hard,               brutally               hard.

The               subject               matter               is               extremely               challenging.

Graduate               school               is               probably               the               hardest               thing               I've               ever               accomplished               in               my               life,               and               that               record               will               most               likely               stand.

I               didn't               get               to               work               side-by-side               with               my               mentoring               professor               as               much               as               I               would               have               liked.

It               wasn't               constant               classwork.

The               conditions               were               so               incredibly               stressful,               with               the               emphasis               on               results,               results,               results,               with               a               constant               call               for               ingenuity               and               elegance               in               the               project               design.

It               was               nothing               like               I               had               ever               experienced               before.
               The               take               home               message               is               that               Chemistry               graduate               school               is               about               you.

Unless               he's               extremely               strange,               your               boss               isn't               going               to               be               checking               up               /               keeping               tabs               on               you.

It's               up               to               you.

There               are               plenty               of               things               you               could               do,               lots               of               things               you               probably               should               do,               but               very               little               you               have               to               do.

It's               self-driven,               and               to               an               extremely               large               extent,               self-taught.

If               you               join               one               of               the               larger               /               more               popular               groups,               you               may               hardly               even               speak               to               your               research               advisor               during               your               stay               in               graduate               school.

Many               people               come               away               bitter               and               disillusioned               as               a               result,               but               those               are               the               facts.
               Should               you               consider               a               Ph.D.

chemical               career?

If               you               have               the               drive               to               succeed,               and               are               capable               of               being               your               own               boss               to               a               very               large               extent,               it               can               be               very               rewarding.
               Just               don't               expect               to               get               much               sleep.

And               don't               expect               to               see               much               of               that               famous               professor               you've               always               dreamed               of               working               with,               because               it               probably               won't               happen.

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how much is masters degree
how much is masters degree

how much is masters degree Image 1

how much is masters degree
how much is masters degree

how much is masters degree Image 2

how much is masters degree
how much is masters degree

how much is masters degree Image 3

how much is masters degree
how much is masters degree

how much is masters degree Image 4

how much is masters degree
how much is masters degree

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