2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'grad school mba'|Gen Y Sees Grad School as Plan B

About 'grad school mba'|Gen Y Sees Grad School as Plan B

Do               You               Need               an               MBA               to               Make               It               In               a               Marketing               Career?
This               Kelley               School               of               Business               MBA               Graduate               Says               Yes.

You               can               look               on               line               and               find               websites               just               for               MBA's               who               are               out               of               work.

You               can               look               at               statistics               and               see               that               with               the               proliferation               of               on               line               degrees,               there               are               more               MBA's               than               ever               in               today's               job               market.

Does               that               mean               an               MBA               is               even               more               of               a               necessity               for               those               who               wish               to               compete               in               today's               business               world?

Or               does               it               make               you               "just               another               MBA?"               One               Kelley               School               of               Business               MBA               graduate               says               without               his               MBA,               opportunities               would               have               been               denied               him,               and               income               potential               would               have               decreased.
               Grad               parlays               MBA               into               Proctor               &               Gamble               job.
               Darren               Klein               values               his               experience               as               an               MBA               student               at               Kelley.

He               feels               his               degree               got               him               in               the               door               at               Proctor               &               Gamble               where               his               marketing               career               began.

Klein               worked               for               five               years               in               the               P&G               consumer               market               knowledge               group               on               such               successful               projects               as               the               Old               Spice               Body               Wash               launch,               revitalization               of               the               Ivory               brand               and               others.
               Darren's               group               also               orchestrated               the               launch               of               one               of               P&G's               biggest               cosmetic               pushes:               The               Cover               Girl               Lash               Exact               product,               which               is               a               prototype               of               marketing               savvy               and               success.

Lash               Exact               took               off               as               a               result               of               a               multifaceted               program               including               consumer               research,               public               relations,               and               advertising               in               both               traditional               and               emerging               media.

(Read               "internet.")               Darren               believes               his               MBA               studies               at               Kelley               taught               him               to               "approach               problems               through               a               'big-picture'               approach."
               Next               step               in               this               MBA's               career.
               Klein               had               always               loved               higher               education,               and               his               MBA               made               him               eligible               and               equipped               to               move               from               the               corporate               world               into               leadership               of               the               Kelley               Direct               MBA               program               at               Indiana               University               that               began               in               1999.

Kelley               Direct               is               the               on               line               arm               of               the               highly               respected               Kelley               School               of               Business.

Darren               teaches               MBA               students               to               use               the               tools               he               developed               from               his               own               marketing               and               strategy               classes.

In               fact,               the               KD               program               has               increased               from               1100               students               to               1500,               just               in               the               time               Darren               has               been               working               on               it.

Greg               Kitzmiller,               Kelley               Faculty               member               and               MBA,               reports               that               "Direct               graduates               come               out               armed               with               a               degree               that               represents               in-depth               business               knowledge               and               leadership               qualities               to               potential               employers."
               Bringing               MBA               savvy               to               the               nonprofit               sector.
               In               2009,               Klein               was               able               to               develop               a               plan               for               his               church               to               identify               and               implement               mission               and               ministry               priorities,               using               his               MBA               tools               and               skills.

Membership               profiles,               relevance               of               Christianity               to               modern               day               life,               and               contemporary               outreach               approaches               were               identified.

The               resulting               plan               helped               utilize               the               talents               of               a               team               of               hardworking               people               who               are               now               incorporating               those               new               priorities               in               life-changing               ministries               at               this               growing               church.
               Churches               are               not               the               only               nonprofits               recognizing               the               value               of               MBA               savvy.

Catherine               Gill,               director               of               the               Nonprofit               Finance               Fund               in               New               England,               says               "MBA's               bring               hard               skills               like               financial               know-how               to               (nonprofits),               but               that's               not               all."               She               comments,               "They               also               bring               a               really               sharp               understanding               of               teams               and               how               to               access               resources               that               aren't               always               obvious.

The               MBA               degree               is               incredibly               broad               and               teaches               people               how               to               approach               problems               from               different               angles."
               MBA               a               necessity               to               Klein.
               Darren               attests               to               the               fact               that               his               MBA               gained               him               entry               into               exciting               marketing               opportunities               in               the               corporate               world.

Without               the               MBA,               becoming               an               instructor               and               leader               in               on               line               MBA               programs               would               not               have               been               possible               either.

His               degree,               and               his               real               world               experience,               make               him               more               valuable               to               the               market,               the               students,               and               even               the               nonprofit               concerns               that               are               important               to               him.
               Greg               Kitzmiller,               Faculty,               Kelley               School               of               Business,               Indiana               University
               Darren               Klein,               MBA,               Kelley               School               of               Business,               Indiana               University
               Catherine               Gill,               quoted               in               "The               Case               for               MBA's               in               the               Nonprofit               Sector"

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