2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'masters degree spanish'|... studying for a Masters degree in Visual Arts, which has... in my family of French and Spanish ancestry and on a recent trip to the...

About 'masters degree spanish'|... studying for a Masters degree in Visual Arts, which has... in my family of French and Spanish ancestry and on a recent trip to the...

2009               has               been               an               excellent               year!

God               has               been               good               to               us               -               as               always...

First,               I               am               a               grandmother               of               9               --               with               my               youngest               grandchild               Walter               (named               after               Walt               Disney!)               born               earlier               this               year               --               and               MY               PARENTS               are               still               alive               and               in               good               health!
               My               children               are               doing               well               and               love               their               families.
               Next,               I               have               become               a               college               student               this               year.

Surprisingly,               there               are               a               lot               of               other               grandparents               going               back               to               school               as               well.

There               is               a               government               grant               --               called               a               Pell               Grant               --               that               may               give               you               money               to               go               to               college               all               the               way               through               a               Masters               degree               program.

Check               it               out!
               In               2009               I               have               come               back               to               writing.

It               has               been               many               years               since               I               had               articles               printed               in               national               magazines               --               and               now               here               I               am,               writing               for               you               on               the               internet.

My               creative               juices               are               flowing...

and               it               is               fun....

Look               for               me               --               I               have               a               lot               to               share               with               you.
               I               am               learning               to               speak               Spanish...

¡Es               fácil!

and               I               look               forward               to               meeting               new               friends               who               I               can               converse               with.

There               is               a               group               at               the               local               community               center               where               people               learning               a               language               can               come               and               practice               speaking               with               others               -               and               it's               all               free.

French               and               Italian               are               next!
               Oh               and               my               friends               are               amazing!

Old               friends,               new               friends,               family               friends               and               people               who               come               into               your               life               for               just               a               moment....

I               am               thankful               for               them               all.
               I               am               grateful               for               book               sales               -               and               the               people               who               donate               books               to               be               recycled               at               libraries               and               thrift               shops               so               that               people               like               me               can               buy               them               and               enjoy               them               and               learn               from               them.

Then               perhaps,               recycle               them               so               they               move               on               to               the               next               person...
               I               am               thankful               for               wonderful               chocolate.

Dark               and               smooth               and               delicious.

Chocolate               with               raspberry,               chocolate               with               coconut,               chocolate               with               chocolate               filling.


and               people               to               share               it               with.
               I               am               thankful               for               my               home.

I               have               space               for               my               family               and               my               books.

The               heat               works               well               and               keeps               me               warm.

I               have               a               fireplace               that               is               so               relaxing               to               watch.

A               cup               of               coffee,               my               newest               book               and               me               --               cozy               on               the               couch               enjoying               both.

I               am               grateful.
               I               am               very               thankful               for               my               angels               who               are               with               me               always.

We               all               have               them.

Angels               are               one               of               God's               greatest               blessings.
               Lastly,               I               am               thankful               for               you               for               reading               this.

It               is               an               honor               to               have               someone               give               your               words               time               and               attention               and               I               thank               you!

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masters degree spanish

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masters degree spanish

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